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Locked Topic Project "Savior" (Read 77992 times)

Ego te absolvo Hell Rules!

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Project "Savior"
Jan 17th, 2016 at 9:16am
Project "Savior" is a mod designated to increase the lifespan of AvP2 internet multiplayer games, by providing an alternate master server. The aim is also to keep the user experience the same. It will basically allow players to find and join online AvP2 multiplayer servers. What happens next is up to the players' skills.

Modified dedicated server, to use a community driven master server. Compiled for and compatible with the master server patch version 2.0.

Licensing and Copyright notes:
The Lithfaq AvP2 server must be distributed solely for free. Neither you nor
any other person or party may sell it to anyone, commercially exploit it in any
way, or charge anyone for using it. You may exchange it at no charge among other
end-users, as long as the original ZIP file remains unchanged.

Thanks to:
TBBC Base for testing it, Bunny for the base code, Jeff for the additions to it.

- from 1.0: compiled with lib files for the new master server

ok maybe TBBC  They have modded the game, removed readmes/credit for borrowed work and stand as admins of the msp.

although I do not like how he behaved it has basically done all the bad, personally i dont like to play in 2.2 ms I find that the changes are too sharp too nerfed, but that's just my opinion.

I still wonder what was so wrong with some 2.0 or in more older version for exemple 1.5.4 maybe it was not as stable as the new one, and some users had problems to come because he did not understand that he needed only to enter the sp1 and mp1 installed.
I was happy to give technical support and solve the problems of people who asked me for help through the TBBC  client chat

xMx (Default Aliens vs. Predator 2 Online

For those still wanting to play Aliens vs. Predator 2 online in 2016, well look no further there is an optional method known as 'GameRanger' Which lets you host and join via LAN/INTERNET classic aliens vs. predator 2 game online without the need of any extra files to be installed. just make sure your aliens vs. Predator 2 is updated to

before this stupid war.
I spent two years to recruit people from the game rangers.
dont ask me the reverce!
many of these young players had no idea that AVP2 worked on multiplayer and used  gameranger  to create simple non-dedicated LAN.

GameRanger is not a solution!
and is not a good temp solution
i'm sry xmx this time i disagree

do not forgotte what Lucifer say the owner of game ranger is the real evil not me!

and mr  tbbc is not your enemy in this war.

Diplomacy has never been my strong point.
more than a new MSP would only serve find a compromise.
« Last Edit: Jan 17th, 2016 at 9:43am by Lucifer »  

"Are you the devil? Perhaps abuse your position. Or dominate and control others instead of dominating yourself. Or bring illusions and hide the truth. Recognize your demonic side if you want to succeed in transcending it. "
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Re: Project "Savior"
Reply #1 - Jan 17th, 2016 at 5:21pm
The Savior Mod, originally started by Herr_Alien & The _One, From LITHFAQ, developed to get the game online, over time The_one Renamed it to 'The Master Server Patch' (MSP) (people need to remember that)

As for Gameranger? well it's something.... laggy buggy? but it works it's only for player who wish to run (none dedicated server that's all, Just a temporary method.

As for the 'other group' i think it's safe to say We are beyond diplomacy.

A new msp? well like i said two people are developing there own 'editions' but still not fully finished.

it's upto them to give the playerbase a choice'

And i think many would want a choice.


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Re: Project "Savior"
Reply #2 - Jan 17th, 2016 at 9:34pm
Lucifer wrote on Jan 17th, 2016 at 9:16am:
and mr  tbbc is not your enemy in this war.

Diplomacy has never been my strong point.
more than a new MSP would only serve find a compromise.

You can't compromise with certain people and I'm not going to get into an argument over that whole thing again.

Current options to play AvP2 online:

1. GameRanger.
2. Use that modded patch and deal with the bs that surrounds that group.
3. Not play online at all.
4. Someone else steps in an offers an alternative option.

So far 4 hasn't happened. 1 is obviously better than 3 because its functional (even if laggy and not dedicated servers).

I'm never installing the adware that is # 2 again. It was a pain in the ass to uninstall too as it didn't have an uninstaller.

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I'm the Walkin' Dude

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Re: Project "Savior"
Reply #3 - Jan 17th, 2016 at 9:40pm
KingKenny wrote on Jan 17th, 2016 at 9:34pm:
Current options to play AvP2 online:

1. GameRanger.
2. Use that modded patch and deal with the bs that surrounds that group.
3. Not play online at all.
4. Someone else steps in an offers an alternative option.

5. Organise a game with friends yourself and forward your ports. Use Hamachi if you want.

I insult you because of the asshole and scum that you prove us all to be.  - En Sabah Nur on TBBC Forums

Lucifer wrote on Oct 8th, 2016 at 9:54am:
go to fuck your self olde!
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Ego te absolvo Hell Rules!

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Re: Project "Savior"
Reply #4 - Jan 18th, 2016 at 6:07am
hamaci its a bit more complicated to use than game ranger
anyway i want to have a dedicated choice olde.
I would like to share your setup super easy to install,
without having to worry that inside there is a msp not official.
I would like to have only one master server and its relative official list
I would like to have a dedicated server for each official game modes maybe.
I wish I had a small client (chat include) to invite friends and give technical assistance if necessary.
do you like game ranger mr xmx / king ?
ok open your game ranger client  and try to send me a message a simple link for exemple
you feel like you've sent a link but the person will not receive anything
is black magic?

« Last Edit: Jan 18th, 2016 at 7:14am by Lucifer »  

"Are you the devil? Perhaps abuse your position. Or dominate and control others instead of dominating yourself. Or bring illusions and hide the truth. Recognize your demonic side if you want to succeed in transcending it. "
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I'm the Walkin' Dude

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Re: Project "Savior"
Reply #5 - Jan 19th, 2016 at 8:24am
Lucifer wrote on Jan 18th, 2016 at 6:07am:
I would like to share your setup super easy to install,
without having to worry that inside there is a msp not official.

Well I guess you could try linking people to this: http://www.raptorelite.net/index.html
Not sure what's in the download myself, though.

My Mediafire link retains the 2.2 mod because it is in my opinion the easiest way for the common man (i.e. someone who has no knowledge, interest, or dealings in community disputes) to play multiplayer. For people who want a choice, they are free to not use it, but I'm not going to intentionally obscure the ability to find dedicated servers, regardless of what game modifications are forced and which names are removed from the readme. If I had more of a stake in "pure AvP2" I'd likely think differently. If eventually there is a better Master Server Patch or Mod, I will replace the 2.2 one with the newer, better one. As it is now, though, I understand that many people just don't care about community politics and simply want to play, and I won't make it difficult for them just because they "don't have a choice."

However, feel free to upload your own copy of my Mediafire zip file with the 2.2 mod removed, as long as you host it yourself.
« Last Edit: Jan 19th, 2016 at 8:33am by Olde »  

I insult you because of the asshole and scum that you prove us all to be.  - En Sabah Nur on TBBC Forums

Lucifer wrote on Oct 8th, 2016 at 9:54am:
go to fuck your self olde!
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Ego te absolvo Hell Rules!

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Re: Project "Savior"
Reply #6 - Jan 20th, 2016 at 7:43am
you're right olde people not interested in this.
Just play.
I would be happy to host a server with old MS 2.0 just to be able to play again with the King Kenny and Mr. xmx.
I do not care if everyone wants to use the MS 2.2
« Last Edit: Jan 20th, 2016 at 7:44am by Lucifer »  

"Are you the devil? Perhaps abuse your position. Or dominate and control others instead of dominating yourself. Or bring illusions and hide the truth. Recognize your demonic side if you want to succeed in transcending it. "
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I'm the Walkin' Dude

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Re: Project "Savior"
Reply #7 - Jan 20th, 2016 at 7:46am
Actually I haven't tried it with 2.0. Does anything show up if you only have the 2.0 patch/mod?

I insult you because of the asshole and scum that you prove us all to be.  - En Sabah Nur on TBBC Forums

Lucifer wrote on Oct 8th, 2016 at 9:54am:
go to fuck your self olde!
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Ego te absolvo Hell Rules!

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Re: Project "Savior"
Reply #8 - Jan 20th, 2016 at 7:53am
the old MS 2.0 had nothing wrong.
It was a good compromise between security and stability, without changing too much the structure of the game
here a backup

shame there are no servers online whit this official pach .
I proposed a rollback in the past but nobody wanted to listen to the old Lucifer.

same concept also applies to the beta ms for primal hunt.
exist a version oldest is substantially the same pach without the client inside.
« Last Edit: Jan 20th, 2016 at 9:08am by Lucifer »  

"Are you the devil? Perhaps abuse your position. Or dominate and control others instead of dominating yourself. Or bring illusions and hide the truth. Recognize your demonic side if you want to succeed in transcending it. "
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Re: Project "Savior"
Reply #9 - Jan 20th, 2016 at 9:24am
It doesn't work anymore (from what I've been told)

Gameranger is one solution, and a new msp is another.

That's pretty much it.

People can then choose how they want to play.

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Ego te absolvo Hell Rules!

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Re: Project "Savior"
Reply #10 - Jan 20th, 2016 at 11:20am
x-M-x wrote on Jan 20th, 2016 at 9:24am:
It doesn't work anymore (from what I've been told)

Gameranger is one solution, and a new msp is another.

That's pretty much it.

People can then choose how they want to play.

i Agree
It works only problem is people would not know how to access it.
if you are talking about visibility inside the server list ,
(unofficial list and therefore not legitimate)
i agree with you probably will not work in the future.
it would be enough of a diversion list a different IP.
as same as some Russian servers that are not visible in the main list but are always active & accessible via their client and their version of MS (also include old vanilla)
if only I could have both at once it would be great. give the possibility of being able to create your own non-dedicated LAN and invite their friends in it but also the possibility of being able to enter into one or more dedicated servers.
It was a bit like the old gamespy (this for the most nostalgic)
after all to for  use GameRanger has been forced to a recording why do not the same for the old AVP2?
« Last Edit: Jan 20th, 2016 at 11:31am by Lucifer »  

"Are you the devil? Perhaps abuse your position. Or dominate and control others instead of dominating yourself. Or bring illusions and hide the truth. Recognize your demonic side if you want to succeed in transcending it. "
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Re: Project "Savior"
Reply #11 - Jan 21st, 2016 at 4:28am
x-M-x wrote on Jan 20th, 2016 at 9:24am:
It doesn't work anymore (from what I've been told)

Gameranger is one solution, and a new msp TBBC mod is another.

That's pretty much it.

People can then choose how they want to play.

Corrected your typo.

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Re: Project "Savior"
Reply #12 - Jan 21st, 2016 at 8:46am
Tru that.
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Ego te absolvo Hell Rules!

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Re: Project "Savior"
Reply #13 - Jan 21st, 2016 at 10:07pm
how can I play with you? (xMx & King)
if i dont want play in non dedicated lan?(for principle)
this knowing that you're not going to use the blasphemous tbbc MS 22

There will be an end for rebels and rebellion. The Supreme Rulers are merciful and patient, but the law deliberately cultivated over evil is universally and unerringly applied. "The wages of sin is death" - eternal annihilation.

« Last Edit: Jan 21st, 2016 at 10:44pm by Lucifer »  

"Are you the devil? Perhaps abuse your position. Or dominate and control others instead of dominating yourself. Or bring illusions and hide the truth. Recognize your demonic side if you want to succeed in transcending it. "
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Re: Project "Savior"
Reply #14 - Jan 21st, 2016 at 11:44pm
@ Lucifer

Depends on a lot of 'factors' really.... i don't even trust playing on the TBBC mod, god knows what he'll do to me or kenny ban from game or block my servers? i have no interest installing such software that doesn't even have an 'uninstaller' .... the old msp's did...

If you want to play avp2 with us, we'll use gameranger for a bit until we get a clean stable msp by someone who is willing to do the task. (there are two in development but early stages)

This argument/civil war/petty thing - whatever people call it, is old outdated and just boring now.

So, i'll say this again (if you want to play with us, use gameranger just for now we'll pop in time to time and have classic TDM AVP2 with ya  Smiley

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