Solar eclipse can occur only at the time of the new moon, that is, when the extension of the imaginary line that runs through the center of the Sun and the Moon touches or touches the surface of the Earth. This occurs when the Sun and the Moon have almost the same geocentric longitude. Further, the Moon should be near the ascending or descending node.
The map below shows the Earth zones affected by the event. The two blacks discs, flanked by the initials "P.C." and "U.C.", all indicate the two points on Earth concerned, respectively, the first and last of the twilight of the cone created by the contact of the Moon body. The moments are expressed in Universal Time.
From the year 2016 to 2020
of eclipse Type Size Date Moment in T.U.
Partial Shade 0.802 03/23/2016 11h47m05s
Partial Shade 0,016 08/18/2016 09h42m32s
Partial Shade 0.934 16/09/2016 18h54m20s
Partial Shade 1,015 11/02/2017 00h43m54s
Partial shade 0.251 08/07/2017 18h20m28s
Total 1,323 31/01/2018 13h29m39s
Total 1,613 07/27/2018 20h21m34s
Total 1,201 01/21/2019 05h12m10s
Partial shade 0.659 16/07/2019 21h30m31s
Partial Shade 0.923 10/01/2020 19h10m00s
Partial Shade 0.593 05/06/2020 19h24m55s
Partial Shade 0,380 07/05/2020 04h29m56s
Partial Shade 0,855 11/30/2020 09h42m40s
The instant T.U. is the time kept on the Greenwich meridian instant of maximum eclipse.
The size (or magnitude) represents the percentage of the lunar disk coverage of the umbra
(Total eclipse or partial shade) or penumbral cone to the other. For automatic calculation and display of
any eclipse visible from their city is sufficient to take and install the free ECLIPSE V6.90 programs Windows® 98 / Me / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 or ECLIPSE V1.02 for Linux (using Wine). All values are calculated with formulas detected by the book 'Astronomical Algorithms' by Jean Meeus
and EXPLANATORY SUPPLEMENT to the Astronomical Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac.