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Locked Topic Fix - Client MFC Application Has Stopped Working (Read 81937 times)
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Fix - Client MFC Application Has Stopped Working
Jan 25th, 2015 at 6:01am
Error message: "Client MFC Application Has Stopped Working"

Cause: Multiple sources.

Possible causes for the error:

1. Bad copy of the game. Either get a real physical copy, or a better 100% complete copy than what you're currently trying to install.

2. Bad installation. Try uninstalling and reinstalling.

3. Wrong display driver/resolution selected via the AvP2.exe. Change settings on the display tab.

4. Gaming peripherals (gaming keyboard/mouse, controller) might be causing errors. Try disabling the HIDs related to your gaming-peripherals.

5. Firewall incompatibility. Try disabling your firewall or at least setting up the proper ports to play the game. The firewall could possibly set into gaming mode to fix the issue as well.

6. Antivirus incompatibility. Make sure your antivirus software isn't blocking AvP2.exe or lithtech.exe

7. Windows compatibility. Try changing the windows compatibility to either Windows 98, XP, Vista, 7, etc.

8. Blocked access. Try running AvP2.exe AND lithtech.exe as administrator. For Primal Hunt, set PrimalHunt.exe and lithtech.exe to run as administrator.

9. Your computer might be too old to play the game. Unlikely, but make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements.

10. Alt-tab in and out of open programs. AvP2 can sometimes crash when switching between programs.
« Last Edit: Dec 6th, 2015 at 6:00am by KingKenny »  

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