[21:16:58] Insidwor joined the channel.
[21:17:08] <Lucifer> welcome
[21:17:16] <Lucifer> Insidwor
[21:17:22] <Lucifer> do you read me here?
[21:17:37] <Insidwor> yeee
[21:17:37] <Insidwor> i do
[21:17:42] <Lucifer> well
[21:17:45] <Lucifer> so man
[21:17:53] <Lucifer> you can use avp2 client
[21:17:59] <Lucifer> for start game on multiplayer
[21:18:03] <Insidwor> ok
[21:18:06] <Lucifer> whidut game ranger
[21:18:09] <Lucifer> anyway
[21:18:15] <Lucifer> exist a lost of servers
[21:18:31] <Lucifer> some are normal standard server ( and ms 2.2)
[21:18:36] <Lucifer> some are modded
[21:18:47] <Lucifer> and some have specials maps
[21:18:51] <Lucifer> so
[21:18:57] <Lucifer> this is not game ranger
[21:19:04] <Lucifer> and online exist some rulez
[21:19:12] <Lucifer> i ask to read 1 minute rulez
[21:19:28] <Lucifer>
http://forum.avpunknown.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2[21:19:36] <Lucifer> read server rulez 1 minute pls
[21:19:47] <Lucifer> undestand me Insidwor?
[21:20:22] Ruxandra joined the channel.
[21:20:32] <Lucifer> hello
[21:20:40] <Lucifer> Ruxandra
[21:20:46] <Ruxandra> hi
[21:21:08] <Ruxandra> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:21:09] <Lucifer> you are the friend of Insidwor?
[21:21:12] <Ruxandra> how are you?
[21:21:13] <Ruxandra> YES
[21:21:19] <Lucifer> wel
[21:21:25] <Lucifer> i repeate
[21:21:26] Foobie joined the channel.
[21:21:33] <Lucifer> this is not game ranger
[21:21:40] <Lucifer> and online exist some rulez
[21:21:47] <Lucifer> i ask to read server rulez
[21:21:49] <Lucifer> 1 minute
[21:22:03] <Lucifer>
http://forum.avpunknown.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2[21:22:14] <Lucifer> anyway
[21:22:20] <Lucifer> exist a lots of server
[21:22:35] <Lucifer> some are normal avp2 ( and ms 2.2)
[21:22:41] <Lucifer> some are modded servers
[21:22:49] <Lucifer> and some have specils maps
[21:22:51] <Insidwor> alright
[21:22:52] <Insidwor> can i have
[21:22:57] <Insidwor> a private server or something?
[21:22:58] <Insidwor> can i host one?
[21:23:05] <Lucifer> yes
[21:23:17] <Lucifer> if you know how host a dedicated server yes
[21:23:24] <Lucifer> but a lots of servers
[21:23:27] <Lucifer> are always up
[21:23:34] <Lucifer> most popular its tbbc
[21:23:37] <Lucifer> look up
[21:23:41] <Lucifer> insde this window
[21:23:49] <Lucifer> there is abotton for refresh list
[21:24:00] <Lucifer> not many people now
[21:24:05] <Lucifer> but i see 4 players
[21:24:15] <Lucifer> insde server tbbc tdm all weapon
[21:24:20] <Lucifer> this is a normal server
[21:24:24] <Lucifer> try to join here
[21:24:29] <Insidwor> alright
[21:24:30] <Lucifer> for check if your updates
[21:24:31] <Lucifer> works
[21:24:49] <Lucifer> simply select server and double click
[21:24:58] <Lucifer> or select server and clik botton for connet
[21:25:05] <Lucifer> wen game start say yes to game spy
[21:25:09] <Lucifer> and wait loading
[21:25:28] <Insidwor> yea it seems like
[21:25:30] <Insidwor> i have a different version
[21:25:32] <Insidwor>
[21:25:42] <Lucifer> its version of game
[21:25:55] <Lucifer> last master server its called ms 2.2
[21:26:12] <Lucifer>
http://forum.avpunknown.com/AvP2MasterServerPatch22.exe[21:26:15] <Lucifer> here dowload
[21:26:23] <Lucifer> talking of specils maps
[21:26:30] <Insidwor> then why did it say that "your world version is different from the server"
[21:26:33] <Lucifer> (not mandatory)
[21:26:35] <Insidwor> ohh..
[21:26:38] <Lucifer> but racomanded
[21:26:40] <Lucifer> for join
[21:26:45] <Insidwor> i installed that one
[21:26:47] <Lucifer> insde servers ump
[21:27:23] <Lucifer>
http://umpparty.stargatebase.net/install.php[21:27:28] <Lucifer> here istruction
[21:27:30] <Lucifer> and dowload
[21:27:33] <Lucifer> for instal
[21:27:41] <Lucifer> ump2 its divided in 3 parts
[21:27:53] <Lucifer> talking of primal hunt expansion
[21:27:57] <Lucifer> if you know
[21:28:22] <Lucifer> a little experimental server its always up its called tbbc primal hunt
[21:28:37] <Lucifer> for join required game and expansion installed and updated
[21:28:52] <Lucifer> the ph ms its avanable here
[21:29:14] <Lucifer>
http://files.avpunknown.com/primalhuntmspatch.exe[21:29:22] <Lucifer> if you need expansion
[21:29:34] <Lucifer> or if you have problem to load game on multiplayer
[21:29:46] <Lucifer> here the torrent complete of game and his expansion
[21:30:26] <Lucifer>
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3n28sBr7mbvVG1Rb01KbGlZV0E/view?usp=sharing[21:30:31] <Lucifer> size 1.44gb
[21:30:45] Foobie quit (Connection closed).
[21:31:01] <Lucifer> also include istruction all disk update english and craks no cd for game and dlc
[21:31:04] <Lucifer> ok?
[21:31:06] Foozbie joined the channel.
[21:31:07] <Lucifer> guys?
[21:31:54] <Insidwor> waaaaiittt
[21:31:57] <Insidwor> i dont wanna get custom maps
[21:32:03] <Insidwor> i wanna play on compound
[21:32:09] <Insidwor> ill just host a server
[21:32:18] <Lucifer> more
[21:32:20] <Lucifer> simply
[21:32:21] <Lucifer> join
[21:32:25] <Lucifer> in a server up
[21:32:37] <Lucifer> join in a normal server man
[21:32:40] <Foozbie> anyone wanna be lovely and give me the latest server patch
[21:32:41] <Lucifer> for check
[21:32:45] <Foozbie> :]
[21:33:20] <Lucifer> say this
[21:33:22] <Lucifer> guys
[21:33:24] <Lucifer> have a gg
[21:33:24] Tu joined the channel.
[21:33:28] <Lucifer> and respect rulez
[21:33:39] Lucifer welcome in hell
[21:33:42] <Lucifer>
[21:34:36] <Insidwor> Lucifer
[21:34:38] <Insidwor> i got a question
[21:34:43] <Insidwor> im trying to play the game in window mode
[21:34:47] <Insidwor> due to that framerate problem
[21:34:50] <Insidwor> but when i try to host a game
[21:34:53] <Insidwor> i get a not responding error
[21:34:57] <Insidwor> like .. every time
[21:34:58] <Lucifer> game give some problem
[21:35:02] <Lucifer> in windows 8
[21:35:04] <Lucifer> but
[21:35:11] <Insidwor> is there a way to fix it?
[21:35:11] <Lucifer> its possible anyway play
[21:35:18] <Insidwor> i just wanna get rid of the error
[21:35:19] <Lucifer> in windowed mode
[21:35:27] <Insidwor> i am
[21:35:32] <Lucifer> if you see a error
[21:35:33] <Insidwor> but still getting the error nonetheless
[21:35:43] <Lucifer> probably you have a corrupted version
[21:35:49] <Lucifer> or more simply
[21:35:51] <Insidwor> idk..
[21:35:54] <Insidwor> worked a few minutes ago
[21:35:57] <Lucifer> game its not installed in default root
[21:36:09] <Lucifer> try
[21:36:11] <Lucifer> to close
[21:36:13] <Lucifer> game ranger
[21:36:17] <Lucifer> some time cause a bug
[21:36:25] <Lucifer> restart or relogin in avp2 client
[21:36:29] <Lucifer> if dont work
[21:36:36] <Lucifer> open avp2 from avp2 .exe
[21:36:50] <Lucifer> go insde multiplayer menu
[21:36:54] <Lucifer> and find internet game
[21:37:00] <Lucifer> if ms its correct installed
[21:37:10] <Lucifer> you can see server list directly from game
[21:37:18] <Lucifer> and you can join on multiplayer
[21:37:25] <Lucifer> whidout using game spy setting
[21:38:09] <Lucifer> anyway fuzzy
[21:38:16] <Lucifer> if you have windows 8
[21:38:25] <Lucifer> i suggest to run game in windowed mode
[21:38:42] <Lucifer> but if you have win 7
[21:38:48] <Lucifer> you can play full screen
[21:38:52] <Lucifer> whidout any problem
[21:40:07] <Insidwor> i cant join any game at all..
[21:40:08] <Insidwor> oh god..
[21:40:09] <Lucifer> commad for force to load game in windowed mode its
[21:40:13] <Lucifer> +windowed 1
[21:40:15] <Insidwor> i have the command
[21:40:17] <Insidwor> in the autoexec
[21:40:19] <Lucifer> talking
[21:40:23] <Lucifer> of resolution
[21:40:37] <Insidwor> i've changed it to a lower one
[21:40:40] <Lucifer> the maximum resolution of this game its 1024 x 768
[21:40:52] <Lucifer> but exist a way for bypass in a modern resolution
[21:41:23] <Insidwor> Client MFC has stopped working
[21:41:24] <Insidwor> >.>
[21:41:29] <Lucifer> simply you also can add comand line parameters to do the same.
[21:41:40] <Lucifer> for example:
[21:41:47] <Insidwor> ye i know what you mean
[21:41:51] <Lucifer> ++ScreenWidth 1680 ++ScreenHeight 1050
[21:42:01] <Lucifer> for a resolution of 1680 x 1050
[21:42:02] <Insidwor> tried that for 1920 x 1080 as well
[21:42:08] <Insidwor> i still get the error
[21:42:15] <Insidwor> i dont knoe where its coming from
[21:42:17] <Insidwor> know*
[21:42:27] <Lucifer> or +windowed 1 ++ScreenWidth 1680 ++ScreenHeight 1050
[21:42:33] amyer joined the channel.
[21:42:38] <Lucifer> for a resolution of 1680 x 1050 in windowed mode
[21:42:57] <Lucifer> Insidwor
[21:43:03] <Lucifer> if you see this message
[21:43:10] <Lucifer> or your version its corrupted
[21:43:13] <Lucifer> or game its installed
[21:43:22] <Lucifer> in a root differnt then default
[21:43:35] <Lucifer> i give you a expemple
[21:43:39] <Insidwor> do i have to install it
[21:43:45] <Lucifer> i have windows 7 64 bit
[21:43:46] <Insidwor> in the C:\ drive
[21:43:51] <Lucifer> my avp2 default root its
[21:43:53] <Lucifer> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Fox\Aliens vs. Predator 2\AVP2.exe"
[21:43:55] <Insidwor> oh..
[21:44:02] <Lucifer> if game and expansion are installed here
[21:44:03] <Insidwor> so if i'll install it in the root foolder
[21:44:04] <Lucifer> no proble
[21:44:05] <Insidwor> it will work?
[21:44:09] <Lucifer> simply try to reinstal
[21:44:11] <Insidwor> alright
[21:44:12] <Lucifer> as adminstrator
[21:44:15] <Lucifer> ms pach 2.2
[21:44:23] <Lucifer> if you continue
[21:44:28] <Lucifer> to see same error
[21:44:31] <Lucifer> try to dowload
[21:44:33] <Lucifer> my torrent
[21:44:45] <Lucifer> and make a clean installation of game and expansion
[21:44:45] <Insidwor> sure
[21:44:46] <Insidwor> give me a link
[21:44:55] <Lucifer> i have already give you
[21:44:57] <Lucifer> look
[21:44:58] <Lucifer> up
[21:45:08] <Lucifer> anyway
[21:45:11] <Lucifer> here the torrent
[21:45:13] <Lucifer>
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3n28sBr7mbvVG1Rb01KbGlZV0E/view?usp=sharing[21:45:16] <Insidwor> ty.
[21:45:34] <Insidwor> but
[21:45:36] <Insidwor> i do have a question
[21:45:40] <Insidwor> can i install the game
[21:45:41] <Insidwor> by default
[21:45:42] <Insidwor> without
[21:45:44] <Insidwor> any ms 2.2
[21:45:47] <Insidwor> and just play it on gameranger
[21:45:48] <Insidwor> will that work?
[21:45:52] <Lucifer> yes
[21:45:56] <Lucifer> you can
[21:46:02] <Lucifer> its same
[21:46:16] <Lucifer> ms bypass only cd key for multiplayer
[21:46:22] <Lucifer> if you have this pach
[21:46:30] <Lucifer> you can always open a room on game ranger
[21:46:35] <Lucifer> and make your lan
[21:46:37] <Lucifer> but
[21:46:44] <Lucifer> multiplayer internet
[21:46:48] <Lucifer> its differnt
[21:46:50] <Lucifer> then a lan
[21:46:58] <Lucifer> maked whit a external program
[21:47:01] <Lucifer> lag so much
[21:47:10] <Lucifer> on dedicated multiplayer
[21:47:12] <Lucifer> no lag
[21:47:14] <Lucifer> join
[21:47:20] <Lucifer> and look whith your eyes
[21:47:24] <Lucifer> yung marine
[21:47:27] <Lucifer>
[21:54:07] Sonico112 joined the channel.
[21:54:21] <Lucifer> welcome
[21:54:23] <Lucifer> sonico
[21:54:50] <Sonico112> hi
[21:54:55] <Lucifer> hi
[21:54:56] <Lucifer> sonico
[21:54:58] <Lucifer> anyway
[21:55:04] <Lucifer> here is not game ranger
[21:55:07] <Lucifer> and online
[21:55:12] <Lucifer> exist some rulez
[21:55:14] <Sonico112> ok
[21:55:28] <Lucifer> i ask to read 1 minute
[21:55:40] <Lucifer>
http://forum.avpunknown.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2[21:55:50] <Lucifer> here server rulez
[21:55:57] <Lucifer> read 1 minute and respect
[21:55:59] <Lucifer> ok?
[21:56:12] <Sonico112> ok i will read it
[21:56:18] <Lucifer> well
[21:56:30] Lucifer welcome sonico in hell
[21:56:33] <Lucifer> say this
[21:56:39] <Lucifer> there are a lots of servers
[21:56:42] <Lucifer> some are normal
[21:56:51] <Lucifer> some are modded or have specials maps
[21:56:52] Tu quit (Bad file descriptor).
[21:57:09] Foozbie quit (Bad file descriptor).
[21:57:14] <Lucifer> if you dont have
[21:57:19] <Lucifer> i raccomand to dowload
[21:57:22] <Lucifer> its called ump2
[21:57:31] <Lucifer> its not mandatory raccomanded
[21:57:32] <Lucifer>
http://umpparty.stargatebase.net/install.php[21:57:44] <Lucifer> for check
[21:57:50] <Lucifer> if your avp2 work on multiplayer
[21:57:52] <Lucifer> simply
[21:57:56] <Lucifer> refresh server list
[21:58:04] amyer quit (Connection closed).
[21:58:10] <Lucifer> and try to connet in a normal server of avp2
[21:58:14] <Lucifer> for exemple
[21:58:19] <Lucifer> tbbc tdm all weapons
[21:58:40] <Sonico112> ok
[21:58:52] <Lucifer> if you have problem
[21:58:57] <Lucifer> lucifer its here for help
[21:59:03] <Sonico112> i can create a server
[21:59:10] <Lucifer> yes
[21:59:14] <Lucifer> if you know how
[21:59:21] <Sonico112> how
[21:59:31] <Lucifer> required a registration
[21:59:40] <Lucifer> a good connetion speed
[21:59:46] <Lucifer> and a good pc
[21:59:54] <Sonico112> ok
[22:00:06] <Lucifer> but
[22:00:09] <Lucifer> its most easy
[22:00:14] <Lucifer> join in a server onlin
[22:00:21] <Lucifer> try to join in game sonico
[22:00:24] <Lucifer> for chek
[22:00:36] <Sonico112> i join TDM ALL WEAPONS
[22:00:42] <Lucifer> host a server its possible but its hard to explain
[22:00:49] <Lucifer> its not easy then make a lan
[22:00:52] <Lucifer> in game ranger
[22:21:48] <Sonico112> thanks for the help but will leave
[22:27:20] LadyDron joined the channel.
[22:51:38] xxlasombraxx joined the channel.
[22:51:44] <Lucifer> welcome
[22:51:52] <Lucifer> xxlasombraxx
[22:52:13] <Lucifer> do you read me here?
[22:52:13] <Xenocide> @Lucifer
http://postimg.org/image/mibwz3wxp/[22:52:14] <Lucifer> xxlasombraxx?
[22:52:46] <Lucifer>
http://i.imgur.com/1b7S6Jp.gif[22:52:48] <Lucifer> XD
[22:52:50] <Lucifer> anyway
[22:53:00] <Lucifer> man
[22:53:05] <Lucifer> this is not game ranger
[22:53:07] <Lucifer> and online
[22:53:11] <Lucifer> exist some rulez
[22:53:17] <Lucifer> i ask to read 1 minute
[22:53:22] <Lucifer> server rulez
[22:53:40] <Lucifer>
http://forum.avpunknown.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2[22:53:43] <Lucifer> respect
[22:53:46] <Lucifer> and have a gg
[22:53:47] <Lucifer> ok?
[22:54:00] <Lucifer> xxlasombraxx
[22:56:30] <xxlasombraxx> ok
[22:56:36] <Lucifer> well
[22:56:44] <Lucifer> say this
[22:56:58] Lucifer welcome xxlasombraxx have a gg
[22:57:08] <Lucifer>
[22:57:22] <xxlasombraxx> thx
[22:57:24] <xxlasombraxx>
[23:04:49] Lucifer turn his tail and goes to sleep