Cracco and I are happy to share with you our new map conversion, AvP2-Compound. Included is a daytime version for deathmatch modes and a night-time version for coop mode. We hope you have fun with it.
Step 1: First locate your Aliens versus Predator Classic folder. The following are the usual places it can be found:
Steam directory: C:\User\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Aliens versus Predator Classic
GOG directory: GOG Games\AvP Classic or GOG Galaxy\Games\AvP Classic
Step 2: Once located, unzip all of the contents to your folder. Merge the avp_rifs folder.
AvP2-Compound.rif and AvP2-Compound Coop.rif must be in a folder called custom or else they won't appear.
If you already have the graphics and sound folders in your directory, merge folders when asked.
If you do not already have the graphics or sound folders, then simply place the folders in this pack. See images if you have difficulty.
Step 3: To play the map, search for it under the map list in Multiplayer.