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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) UMP3 input needed (Read 147620 times)

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UMP3 input needed
Feb 11th, 2015 at 11:30pm
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Yes, it's me  00
King Kenny emailed me to let me know you guys would maybe want a UMP3??? I haven't played AVP2 in over 5 years  Cry but I still have all of my old files backed up.  I was planning on making a UMP3 back then but that idea never went anywhere.  A player called DoomGuy was helping me quite a bit but then we both lost interest and I stopped playing.  Since I've been out of touch for so long I figured I'd ask all you guys what you would like/need?
Do you want a UMP3?
Do you want me to make it or help someone else make it?
(I don't care either way)
Do you want all the maps or just the best ones?
How big should the download file size be?

Please give me all input, positive and negative.  I won't do anything till I hear back from all of you.
In the meantime this give me time to get my AVP2 working again and sort through all my AVP2 files, I have lots!   Grin


P.S. It's good to be back.  Cheesy
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Re: UMP3 input needed
Reply #1 - Feb 11th, 2015 at 11:42pm
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And finally... you have returned! lol  Cool

-- Great to see you back! and yea me and kingkenny were discussions! and ever since the release of UMP2+ it's 6 updates.... it's better to have a whole new fresh 'UMP3' with some new maps that are out there!
(some which belong to Imp Hunter)

And i'm sure HHO has some maps in the works!!!

I totally green-light your idea! you are the original creator and it be great if you can make a UMP3 with HHO? for everyone here! it is highly needed! - and remember i think kenny told you? i would give you FTP details so you have a place to host it! or make an official UMP mini site if you desire??

something like


Great to see you on here at last lol! nice to know you're still around man!!!

BRING IT ON 00! Also get HHO on here! Tongue

« Last Edit: Feb 11th, 2015 at 11:48pm by x-M-x »  
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Re: UMP3 input needed
Reply #2 - Feb 11th, 2015 at 11:43pm
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UMP3 - ALL MAPS EVER MADE (that are 100% complete and don't have technical issues/lag).

Optional UMP3 Lite Version: UMP3 minus the crappier maps.

Also, I made a news post on the front page about this thread. Smiley
« Last Edit: Feb 12th, 2015 at 12:25am by KingKenny »  

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Angry finn!

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Re: UMP3 input needed
Reply #3 - Feb 12th, 2015 at 4:28am
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I vote for UMP3. Smiley Would be nice to see a package including only the "best" maps from ump1/2/suk package and so on. The most played and the ones which actually are even playable. Theres a ton of maps in ump1/2 which are completely utterly bollocks since majority of em aint done clearly as well as they should have been made nor just are simple test maps for other stuff.

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Ego te absolvo Hell Rules!

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Re: UMP3 input needed
Reply #4 - Feb 12th, 2015 at 7:03am
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I think it is a good idea. a single packet or a single rez for all maps. easy to install, easy to start for all users .
« Last Edit: Feb 12th, 2015 at 7:03am by Lucifer »  

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Re: UMP3 input needed
Reply #5 - Feb 13th, 2015 at 2:32pm
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If you ask me creating UMP3 is waste of your time 00.Because we already have UMP2 that only 10% of players play,sometimes,SOMETIMES.70% of community I think dont even have UMP and if they have they dont use it.Basicly only few maps are popular on avp2:lesser fate,leadworks,outpost4,quarantine,compound and depot.
Thats my opinion and something I advice you too do.You will just waste time.
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Re: UMP3 input needed
Reply #6 - Feb 13th, 2015 at 9:06pm
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Thanks for the Welcome Back guys.  Good feed back so far But I'd like to hear more.
How about this idea?  Instead of a UMP3 (big pack), if I did a smaller map pack containing all of the best, the top 50 let's say. 
But like Acid said, I don't want to waste my time doing something that won't get used to it's full potential.

x-M-x, thanks for the offer of a mini site, it's really not necessary.  As long as my work is hosted on the internet for all to download then I'm more than happy.
I've also noticed the master servicer patch now includes a few custom maps. Really x-M-x BrokenDream lol

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Re: UMP3 input needed
Reply #7 - Feb 13th, 2015 at 9:24pm
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00 wrote on Feb 13th, 2015 at 9:06pm:
Thanks for the Welcome Back guys.  Good feed back so far But I'd like to hear more.
How about this idea?  Instead of a UMP3 (big pack), if I did a smaller map pack containing all of the best, the top 50 let's say. 
But like Acid said, I don't want to waste my time doing something that won't get used to it's full potential.

There are a lot of maps in UMP2 that just plain suck. There's also a lot that don't have the predator vision modes correctly set up.

My worry with a top 50 or so is that you'll leave out some of the awesome maps.

Oh I also shared UMP3 info here: http://www.avpgalaxy.net/forum/index.php?topic=52271.0

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Angry finn!

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Re: UMP3 input needed
Reply #8 - Feb 13th, 2015 at 11:39pm
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Well, like I said earlier. My vote goes for ump3 including only the most played maps of the previous mappacks and including the latest made by various mapmakers. It would smaller the filesize a ton and would be easier to dl for ppl with slower connections.
Some servers who want can keep on with the old mappacks and add the new one there but.. ugh. Usually players time just goes to waste browsing for more playable map out of a haystack. Like searching for a needle.. well, im sure you get my point here.

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Re: UMP3 input needed
Reply #9 - Feb 14th, 2015 at 12:17pm
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00 wrote on Feb 13th, 2015 at 9:06pm:
-M-x, thanks for the offer of a mini site, it's really not necessary

I'll still give you ftp details later so you have a good host to upload it! i'll also get it hosted on AvP Nation too! www.avpnation.com

00 wrote on Feb 13th, 2015 at 9:06pm:
I've also noticed the master servicer patch now includes a few custom maps. Really x-M-x BrokenDream lol

lol.... the map situation will be changed i think... people need to know this is a patch... not a mappack!

DT wrote on Feb 13th, 2015 at 11:39pm:
Well, like I said earlier. My vote goes for ump3 including only the most played maps of the previous mappacks and including the latest made by various mapmakers. It would smaller the filesize a ton and would be easier to dl for ppl with slower connections.
Some servers who want can keep on with the old mappacks and add the new one there but.. ugh. Usually players time just goes to waste browsing for more playable map out of a haystack. Like searching for a needle.. well, im sure you get my point here.

True... but wouldn't that defeat the purpose of a true UMP3? release the next UMP but lesser maps? i understand that there is a lot of shit maps lol but still.... it's better to have EVERYTHING..... EVVEERRYYTHIINNNGG!!!! lol..

Hopefully we'll get more feedback soon.

it would be nice to see a final UMP for avp2 with everything included. (like a last send off to this game!)

@ 00

Have you and HHO spoken about it? Also does he have any new maps in the works?
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Re: UMP3 input needed
Reply #10 - Feb 14th, 2015 at 3:27pm
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00 you still wanna make UMP3 then this idea about best map is "best" idea.There million of maps in UMP2 and some really suck,or they are so big that FPS is low.You can make something like poll(questionnaire) to choose best maps or something.But if you ask me creating UMP3 you will just waste time in your life since people are lazy to download ONE just ONE  map from net and put it in game.
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Re: UMP3 input needed
Reply #11 - Feb 14th, 2015 at 4:02pm
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lol.... the map situation will be changed i think... people need to know this is a patch... not a mappack!

Regarding this subject, the idea of putting custom maps in the patch was to give the game a bit of fresh air, and to allow server hosters to put these maps in their list without having to worry about people downloading them. Of course these have to be fully optimized maps for multiplayer like imp's hadleys or storageyard, so i dont even know what where they thinking when they put broken dream in it. Also i think more custom maps should be included in the patch like toxic feud, industry and suk_stronghold, these are all great maps for multiplayer that really complement the original map set.
And since that you can count on 1 hand the number of maps that fit in the avp lore and are optimized for gameplay (playability, fps, design,...) there is no issues of "why isnt my map in there".

Regarding the UMP3 subject i think that now that filefront is down there isnt really a way of making a complete rez of all maps ever, since many of them are lost (i personaly lost some there).
« Last Edit: Feb 14th, 2015 at 4:02pm by JP »  
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Re: UMP3 input needed
Reply #12 - Feb 14th, 2015 at 4:34pm
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One of the problems with UMP2 and its updates is that to get the whole thing, you had to download UMP2 and several map updates on top of it.

So a player that would download UMP2 and joins a server thinking he has all the maps for UMP2 winds up getting disconnected on a map change because he/she is missing one of the map updates.

Honestly if you think about it, UMP3 could really be just UMP2 + the several map updates and maybe the 10-20 maps or so that were released since the last update. There isn't a lot extra to include since the last update. It's more a matter of just combining them into a single installation than making 5-6 files to download to have the complete map pack.

Personally I have mixed feelings on putting custom maps into the MS patch. Its good when you like the maps sure. But then you're forcing custom content onto the player just to get the game back online. Not everyone wants those custom maps too. There are several in the current patch that I don't want at all. That's why I like the idea of two optional downloads. The first being the MS patch (with PH maps only because the PH game is largely abandoned and its maps are an official add-on) and the second being a MS patch packaged with a map pack. Of course a map pack download could be another available download if the player wants to get it at a later time.

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Ego te absolvo Hell Rules!

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Re: UMP3 input needed
Reply #13 - Feb 15th, 2015 at 11:15am
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00 wrote on Feb 13th, 2015 at 9:06pm:
Thanks for the Welcome Back guys.  Good feed back so far But I'd like to hear more.
How about this idea?  Instead of a UMP3 (big pack), if I did a smaller map pack containing all of the best, the top 50 let's say.  

some maps of the old ump2 are beautifull but not good for gameplay. the idea of making a selection of the best maps is good.
reduce the size of the package and make it more simple to dowload and install would be great.
« Last Edit: Feb 15th, 2015 at 11:19am by Lucifer »  

"Are you the devil? Perhaps abuse your position. Or dominate and control others instead of dominating yourself. Or bring illusions and hide the truth. Recognize your demonic side if you want to succeed in transcending it. "
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Re: UMP3 input needed
Reply #14 - Feb 15th, 2015 at 2:57pm
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Acid wrote on Feb 14th, 2015 at 3:27pm:
There million of maps in UMP2

Million ?  Cheesy

JP wrote on Feb 14th, 2015 at 4:02pm:
Regarding this subject, the idea of putting custom maps in the patch was to give the game a bit of fresh air,

No it wasn't.... the 'idea' was the maps that got added by herr alien and the one & me and it was under heavy discussion (this is due to the fact these maps are either 'rare' or really 'good' and not played well... it was a test... example brokendream was added in 1.5.3 as a test because it's the biggest known avp2 map we thought it would be good to add it for a while.... the other maps like WaterStation TDS pods are really good, but classed as rare... I've played these maps and they are hilarious a good laugh..... now we're on the subject why was Storageyard added to 1.5.4? 2.0 etc ??? it's not rare... your map will be in UMP3 in future. (best option)

Adding more maps in the patch is damn right stupid and problematic in the future as (kenny mentioned) only maps that will stay in the patch from now on, will be the 'Primal Hunt' Maps... it's common sense to add them... they are official.

But you seem to think adding more n more maps is a good idea?  Undecided

KingKenny wrote on Feb 14th, 2015 at 4:34pm:
Personally I have mixed feelings on putting custom maps into the MS patch. Its good when you like the maps sure. But then you're forcing custom content onto the player just to get the game back online. Not everyone wants those custom maps too. There are several in the current patch that I don't want at all. That's why I like the idea of two optional downloads. The first being the MS patch (with PH maps only because the PH game is largely abandoned and its maps are an official add-on) and the second being a MS patch packaged with a map pack. Of course a map pack download could be another available download if the player wants to get it at a later time.

Exactly.... this is why people need to wake up... 'The whole thing of adding maps' was good at the start but now it's pathetic, we see more people in the future saying shit like (oh.. i want my map added too! and me too add mine!) shit like that doesn't work in this community it never does.

This is why TBBC hopefully complies and removes all maps (except the PRIMAL HUNT ONES) - if he sees this thread


Lucifer wrote on Feb 15th, 2015 at 11:15am:
some maps of the old ump2 are beautifull but not good for gameplay. the idea of making a selection of the best maps is good.
reduce the size of the package and make it more simple to dowload and install would be great.

I wouldn't like that idea.... i think the best 'idea' so far is what Kingkenny recommend 

00 needs to grab UMP2 + Update 1-6 and HHO 2010 packs JP's StorageYard and whatever other maps HHO or any other mappers have made but not yet released... and slap it all in one 'Folder' and i can promise you that it would be the better option and people will just need to download 1 file from now on no update files etc.

Would be easy for everyone (that's my opinion)

~ Peace

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